Participant name list

No Name Affiliation Contry Regisdate Paid
1 A. Hamzah Fansury English Department ID 2024-05-29 2:43 am
2 A. Mehdi Riazi Digital Humanities QA 2024-08-09 3:53 pm
3 Abdu Al-kadi English JO 2024-04-28 10:07 am
4 Abdul Syahid English language education ID 2024-03-20 3:55 pm
5 Abir Saha English BD 2024-05-20 3:07 am
6 ABU NASAR MUHAMMAD SUFIAN English BD 2024-05-02 4:25 pm
7 Ade Chandra English Department ID 2024-06-02 11:37 am
8 Ade Mahmud English Teacher ID 2024-08-11 12:04 am
9 Adeelah Raksuchon Foreign Languages Department TH 2024-09-02 9:26 am
10 Adisak Poola Foreign Language Department TH 2024-09-04 1:30 pm
11 Adisorn Khamsong Learning Area of Foreign Langese TH 2024-09-04 1:43 am
12 Adriani Yulia Purwaningrum Faculty of Languages, Arts, and Cultures ID 2024-05-30 8:57 am
13 Adzkiya Rahman Department of Curriculum and Instruction TH 2024-04-29 11:47 am
14 Agustina Rahmawati Indonesian School of Bangkok TH 2024-08-15 2:31 am
15 Ahmad Rossydi Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar ID 2024-07-12 11:23 am
16 Ahmad Laut Hasibuan Program Pascasarjana ID 2024-08-12 10:05 am
17 AIDATUL FATINAH SALIM Special Education MY 2024-05-20 11:35 am
18 Aini Ikhwanudin Language Center ID 2024-04-29 2:35 pm
19 Ainuru Zholchieva Pedagogy KG 2024-03-26 3:14 pm
20 Akiko Nagao Department of Global Studies JP 2024-06-05 2:26 am
21 Akkarapon Nuemaihom English Language Teaching TH 2024-05-20 2:57 pm
23 Albert Lisec School of Liberal Arts TH 2024-10-30 4:25 am
24 Albert Urbano Foreign Language Department TH 2024-07-22 6:21 pm
25 Aleksei Nekhaev Shinawatra University TH 2024-07-30 3:06 am
26 Alex Alex ABC TW 2024-07-05 2:21 am
27 Ali Derakhshan Department of English Language and Literature IR 2024-10-01 12:03 pm
28 Alicia Solong English Department ID 2024-09-05 12:14 pm
29 Allan Robert Mosura Senior High School - ABM-R Department PH 2024-08-15 4:18 am
30 Allen Davenport Professional Learning and Development TH 2024-05-30 5:38 am
31 Alyssa Batrisyia Binti Zainal Abidin Language and Humanities MY 2024-05-01 4:06 am
32 Amin Rahman English Adda BD 2024-08-06 7:59 am
33 Amira Khalile ESOL Department US 2024-04-30 1:55 am
34 Ampawan Imaimsup Maehongson College TH 2024-06-06 1:31 pm
35 Amrih Bekti Utami English Language Education Department ID 2024-05-06 3:15 am
36 Anastasia Sastrikirana The Language Training Center ID 2024-08-13 5:58 am
37 Andrew Gallacher English Education Department JP 2024-08-14 8:47 am
38 Andrew Thompson English Education Division JP 2024-05-01 5:49 am
39 Andri Handayani Vocational College ID 2024-05-30 6:34 am
40 Andriyani Marentek English Department ID 2024-08-12 1:42 pm
41 Angel Lin Literacy and Social Semiotics in Education HK 2024-10-15 7:31 am
43 Anggi Suharja School of Liberal Arts TH 2024-06-20 3:33 pm
44 Angkana Aus Business Administration and uiberal Arts TH 2024-06-05 4:02 am
45 Anh Dinh Foreign Languages Department VN 2024-08-10 7:36 am
46 Anh Vu Pham Faculty of English Language Teacher Education VN 2024-05-07 2:34 pm
47 Anjana Dev English IN 2024-06-23 6:13 am
48 Ankhzaya Batsuuri Department of English Literature KR 2024-08-13 7:04 am
49 Anna da Silva Master Program in Applied English Linguistics ID 2024-07-15 5:41 am
50 Annie Yung Department of English Language Education HK 2024-10-22 2:12 pm
51 Annisa Rahmadani English Language Education ID 2024-08-26 10:28 am
52 Antika Chedao Narathiwat primary educational service, area 2 TH 2024-08-10 10:31 am
53 ANTONY PAUL Keerampilly English department UZ 2024-04-29 5:51 am
54 ANUCHA Pakha Watrit school TH 2024-07-23 5:42 am
55 Anupama Vohra Department of English, DD &OE IN 2024-05-19 9:21 am
56 Anurak​ Rattanarak​ Foreign Language Learning Group TH 2024-08-21 2:27 am
57 Anusha Ramanathan Centre of Excellence in Teacher Education IN 2024-05-02 6:54 am
58 Aomboon Burutphakdee English TH 2024-10-19 6:09 am
59 Apichat Khamboonruang Chulalongkorn University Language Institute TH 2024-08-14 1:36 am
60 Apisak Pupipat English Department TH 2024-08-14 8:26 am
61 Apisak Sukying Western Languages and Linguistics TH 2024-06-10 9:58 am
62 Ardiana Ardiana Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar ID 2024-08-13 2:21 am
63 Arefe Amini Faskhodi English Department, Faculty of Literature IR 2024-05-18 8:49 am
64 Aria Anggaira English Education Department ID 2024-05-19 10:24 am
65 Arif Zufi School of Education and Lifelong Learning GB 2024-05-22 12:37 pm
66 Ariunbyambaa Gunchinsuren Foreign Languages, linguistics MN 2024-04-30 9:10 am
67 Arra Dianne Marcelo Ateneo de Manila University PH 2024-07-12 1:30 pm
68 Artit Wapet English TH 2024-09-16 7:27 am
69 Aruzhan Zhumageldina English Language Education JP 2024-08-01 2:37 am
70 ARWINE MATIAS College of Education PH 2024-04-30 1:19 am
71 Ashurxon Matkarimova Filology UZ 2024-05-11 6:02 pm
72 Asli Gokturk Saglam Elt NO 2024-07-05 7:06 am
73 Astrid Murti Department of Management Information System TW 2024-07-18 2:57 am
74 Asyrafunnisa Asyrafunnisa Linguistic ID 2024-04-30 1:01 am
75 Atima Kaewsa-ard English Department TH 2024-08-15 3:44 am
76 Atipat Boonmoh School of Liberal Arts TH 2024-06-18 5:25 pm
77 Atti Herawati Universitas Pakuan ID 2024-08-14 1:17 am
78 Aummaraporn Nooyod Department of Western Language and Linguistics TH 2024-07-25 4:12 am
79 Aung Hein English MM 2024-06-26 4:37 pm
80 Aung Soe Gainesville International School TH 2024-10-30 11:43 am
81 Aungsana Pamaranon International College TH 2024-10-19 11:54 am
82 Aurelio Vilbar University of the Philippines Cebu, College of Social Sciences PH 2024-06-20 4:38 am
83 Aziza Kulakhmedova English department UZ 2024-08-15 1:32 pm
84 Badriyah Ulfah English Language Education ID 2024-04-30 4:36 am
85 Baikah Samaehadee academic TH 2024-09-21 4:38 am
86 Baramet Changchon Foreign Languages Department TH 2024-10-30 12:29 pm
87 Baramet Changchon Foreign Languages Department TH 2024-10-30 12:21 pm
88 Bernadette Mosura Alternative Education PH 2024-08-06 8:46 am
89 Bhornsawan Inpin English Department TH 2024-08-15 2:58 pm
90 Bhudtree Wetpichetkosol Faculty of Humanities TH 2024-05-19 3:28 am
91 Biksalieva Rimma Philology and language teaching UZ 2024-04-29 11:53 am
92 Biybiayim Shamshetova English department UZ 2024-03-27 5:56 am
93 Bladimie Germain Center for English Communication (CEC) JP 2024-08-03 9:08 am
94 Brian Collyer Education Connections (Asia-Pacific) AU 2024-08-30 10:44 am
95 Brian Gaynor Department of Liberal Arts and Humanities JP 2024-08-27 1:37 am
96 Buarattana Attachoo - TH 2024-08-28 3:56 am
97 Bulbul Tulyegyen Training Department MN 2024-05-16 7:54 am
98 Bunga Maulia English Department ID 2024-11-04 7:22 am
99 Bussaya Hanchanachaikul Education TH 2024-08-27 9:35 am
100 Cameron Ruscitti Humanities Department MN 2024-08-13 5:23 am
101 Cathy Tade CRRU Department of English Education TH 2024-08-15 3:23 am
102 Cecilia Fujishima Department of English JP 2024-05-19 10:38 am
103 Celiacika Puteri Department of English, State University of Malang ID 2024-06-06 7:28 am
104 Changcheng Duan Higher English Education Publishing CN 2024-07-30 3:40 am
105 Changyan Shi Foreign Language School, Yuxi Normal University, China TH 2024-10-28 4:18 am
106 Chayanin Phansrisuwan English department TH 2024-11-01 11:54 am
107 Chen Yang Sino-German Center for Higher Vocational Education CN 2024-04-30 1:17 am
108 Cheng Peng School of Foreign Languages CN 2024-08-28 2:23 am
109 Cherry Rola Department of Arts, Languages, and Literature PH 2024-09-16 6:05 am
110 Chi-An Tung Foreign Language Center TW 2024-08-13 7:56 am
111 Chiharu Nakanishi Music Department JP 2024-06-15 7:10 am
112 Chika Ikeda School of Foreign Language Studies JP 2024-11-07 4:00 pm
113 Chikako Nishigaki Faculty of Education JP 2024-06-08 10:03 am
114 Chinfen Chen Graduate School of English Education TW 2024-08-13 12:44 pm
115 Ching-Huang Wang Applied Foreign Languages TW 2024-07-01 7:19 am
116 Cho Minkyung Department of English Language and Literature KR 2024-05-22 5:14 am
117 Chochat Siripong Foreign Language TH 2024-03-15 10:38 am
118 Chokchai Salakaew Ban Nanual school TH 2024-08-06 4:52 am
119 Christina Jung English Linguistics & Language Technology KR 2024-07-11 3:27 am
120 Christine Pemberton SALC JP 2024-08-05 5:12 am
121 Christine Sari School of Liberal Arts TH 2024-08-15 2:41 am
122 Chunmei LI School of English Language and Culture CN 2024-05-29 6:33 am
123 Chynara Turdueva English chair KG 2024-03-06 2:00 am
124 Cicih Nuraeni English Education ID 2024-04-29 3:38 am
125 Clara Karjo English Department ID 2024-08-13 9:47 am
126 Clay Williams English Language Teaching Practices, Graduate School of Global Communication and Language JP 2024-06-05 12:54 pm
127 Curtis Green-Eneix English Language Education HK 2024-08-13 7:33 am
128 Cyril Reyes School of Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences KR 2024-04-16 4:40 am
129 Dalton Le Faculty of Education TH 2024-06-18 1:34 pm
130 Daniel Barlow English Education and Community Development MN 2024-08-13 2:50 am
131 David Anstey Centre for English Language Education CN 2024-05-30 2:48 am
132 David Hayes Applied Linguistics CA 2024-04-29 3:18 pm
133 David Wicks Intercultural Studies CN 2024-10-29 12:13 pm
134 Deinara Amani Freelance Researcher ID 2024-05-21 9:29 am
135 Dewi Suci English Education Department ID 2024-05-07 7:12 am
136 Diah Kurniati English Education Department ID 2024-07-26 6:13 am
137 Diah Meisani Faculty of Medicine ID 2024-10-12 9:43 am
138 Diah Meisani Faculty of Medicine ID 2024-09-27 1:58 pm
139 Dian Prasetyaningrum Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics ID 2024-10-10 6:17 am
140 Dias Utomo Nursing ID 2024-07-10 7:44 am
141 Didit Haryadi English Language Studies, School of Foreign Languages TH 2024-04-29 1:43 pm
142 Diem Nguyen University of Finance and Marketing VN 2024-08-13 12:48 am
143 Dieu Linh Le Foreign Languages Department VN 2024-08-13 9:30 am
144 Digambar Ghodke Department of English and Postgraduate Research Centre IN 2024-05-03 2:31 pm
145 Diki Riswandi English Education ID 2024-05-28 12:43 pm
146 Dilafruz Buranova Foreign Languages Department UZ 2024-07-19 8:47 am
147 Dilafruz Sarimsakova Applied English UZ 2024-08-09 6:04 am
148 Dilfuzakhon Boltaeva English language theoretical aspects UZ 2024-04-14 6:00 pm
149 Dilnoza Khadjimetova English UZ 2024-04-26 8:07 pm
150 Dilnozahon Boymirzayeva Vosiq English Department UZ 2024-10-17 12:13 pm
151 Diloromhon Ismoilova English philology UZ 2024-05-29 7:18 pm
152 Dina Rachmawati English Education ID 2024-07-29 1:59 am
153 Dinesh Kumar English IN 2024-07-04 4:13 am
154 Dinesh Sanjel Department of Language Education NP 2024-08-27 3:46 pm
155 Dominic Reed SEUP (School of English & University Pathways) VN 2024-08-05 6:06 am
156 Dong Yu Dora LI School of English and International Studies CN 2024-08-05 2:20 am
157 Donghyun Kim TESOL KR 2024-03-12 5:00 am
158 Donnie Tulud Department of English Language and Literature PH 2024-04-15 11:27 am
159 Duong Han Learning and Assessment VN 2024-05-30 4:16 am
160 Durratul Ain Faisal school of education MY 2024-05-16 3:03 pm
161 Effrina Yuricki Kementerian Agama ID 2024-10-07 7:14 am
162 Elaine Peixuan Lai Department of English MO 2024-08-08 3:54 am
163 Elena Khanzadyan School of Language and Communication UZ 2024-04-29 1:16 pm
164 Eleonora Kazbekova English language and Literature UZ 2024-08-04 6:35 pm
165 Elisabeth Marsella Department of Informatics ID 2024-05-20 2:50 pm
166 Elizabeth Hashimura University of St Andrews -International Education Institute GB 2024-05-23 7:48 am
167 Elsa Elsa Graduate School of Technological and Vocational Education TW 2024-08-14 5:24 am
168 Elyanora Menglieva Applied Linguistics GB 2024-08-31 5:46 pm
169 Emanuella Mau Dept. of Humanity Studies ID 2024-05-08 2:47 pm
170 Enkhtsetseg Altangerel English Department MN 2024-05-20 7:05 am
171 Eric Fairchild Quill English Academy TW 2024-06-06 1:22 am
172 Erlik Styati Department of English Education ID 2024-08-10 4:59 am
173 Erna Andriyanti English Education Department ID 2024-08-15 3:50 am
174 Eun Young Park English Division KR 2024-09-30 2:02 pm
175 Eun-Ju Kim Dept. of English KR 2024-05-29 9:16 pm
176 Eunjeong Park English Language Education KR 2024-05-30 3:19 am
177 Eunjin Lee English education KR 2024-07-09 12:12 am
178 Eunsong Kim Teaching Department KR 2024-05-30 1:26 pm
179 Eva Syarifah English Education ID 2024-06-05 7:36 am
180 Evelyn Miyoung Song Eve English Academy KR 2024-08-07 5:49 am
181 Ezoza Atamirzayeva Foreign language UZ 2024-06-10 11:53 am
182 Ezoza Kilichova Philology and teaching languages UZ 2024-05-02 9:22 am
183 Failasofah Failasofah English Study Program ID 2024-04-29 7:04 am
184 Faith Chi Dy Belleca Central Bicol State University of Agriculture - Sipocot PH 2024-06-24 2:35 pm
185 Fakhruddin Zam Zam English Language Education ID 2024-07-08 7:26 am
187 Farzonakhon Asadullayeva Foreign Languange and Literature UZ 2024-11-02 5:21 pm
188 Fei Huang No CN 2024-04-24 3:20 pm
189 Fei YUAN School of Foreign Studies CN 2024-04-29 4:01 pm
190 Feruza Abdurakhimova English language and literature UZ 2024-08-13 8:23 am
191 Filni Saeputri English Language education departemen ID 2024-05-19 5:33 pm
192 fiona pearson LIGA TH 2024-08-13 9:01 am
193 Fitrotul Maulidiyah Politeknik Negeri Malang ID 2024-08-05 1:29 pm
194 Floyd Palmer Volunteer MN 2024-08-13 5:22 am
195 Fotimaxon Azizova English language theoretical department UZ 2024-05-21 2:48 am
196 Fotimaxon Azizova English language theoretical department UZ 2024-06-04 10:03 am
197 Fumi Takegami Center for General Education JP 2024-08-05 5:07 am
198 G Lakshmi English Language Teaching IN 2024-04-01 10:24 am
199 G Yeon Park College of Liberal Arts and Cross-Disciplinary Studies: Division of General English KR 2024-04-29 1:35 pm
200 Go Matsuda Graduate School of International Stuies JP 2024-08-12 4:21 am
201 Gonchanat Painawadee Department of Foreign Languages TH 2024-09-10 12:19 pm
202 Gozzal Utemuratova Foreign Languages UZ 2024-08-15 7:28 am
203 Guangyu He School of Foreign Languages CN 2024-08-12 4:11 am
204 Gulchiroy Fayziyeva Philology and language teaching UZ 2024-06-13 6:30 am
205 Gulnazkhon Yuldashaliyevna English Language appiled linguistics 1 UZ 2024-05-02 5:09 am
206 Guoye Wu School of Foreign Studies, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China CN 2024-08-03 7:33 am
207 Gusti Hafifah English Department ID 2024-06-21 9:58 am
208 Guzal Mirzaeva English department UZ 2024-08-15 2:29 pm
209 Ha Le Thi Faculty of English Language VN 2024-08-01 12:44 pm
210 Ha Anh Thi Nguyen Faculty of English VN 2024-08-21 8:44 am
211 Haorui Li School of Foreign Languages CN 2024-08-11 3:53 am
212 Hardianti Hardianti Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk Banggai ID 2024-05-26 12:33 am
213 Hathairat Jongsermtrakoon English for Communication TH 2024-06-06 3:50 pm
214 HAU LOI Graduate Institute of Education, Tunghai University TW 2024-05-29 7:29 pm
215 Hee kyung Lee Graduate School of Education KR 2024-06-23 8:09 am
216 Hendri Putra Cultural Studies ID 2024-04-30 12:25 am
217 Hesti Sulistyowati English Laboratory ID 2024-07-29 8:31 am
218 Hieu Nguyen Faculty of Foreign Languages VN 2024-09-01 6:07 am
219 Hilola Raimova English language and literature UZ 2024-04-08 12:32 pm
220 Hind Elyas Alfalak Company SA 2024-08-09 1:46 pm
221 Hirohisa Sekiyama The graduate school of Language, Communication, and Culture JP 2024-05-29 8:14 pm
222 Hiromi Suzuki Graduate School of Global Japanese Studies JP 2024-07-18 8:57 am
223 Hlaing Minn Khant - Faculty of Liberal Arts, Krirk University TH 2024-06-22 9:37 am
224 Hoa Hoang Linguistics and Cultures of English Speaking Countries VN 2024-08-14 2:13 pm
225 Hoang Yen Phuong Department of English Language and Culture VN 2024-06-02 2:49 am
226 Hodaka Nakanishi Advanced Comprehensive Research Organization JP 2024-05-30 11:35 am
227 Hong Pan College of Education CN 2024-08-26 8:40 am
228 Hongjing Liao School of English for Specific Purposes CN 2024-07-31 2:39 am
229 Hoojae Gong Graduate School of Educational Policy and Adminstration of KNUE KR 2024-06-03 7:30 am
230 Hsing-Huang Liang Center of General Education TW 2024-05-30 11:00 am
231 Hung-chun Wang English TW 2024-08-04 3:06 am
232 Hunter Nuzzi Peace Corps Mongolia US 2024-08-13 9:42 am
233 Huong Trinh Foreign Languages Department VN 2024-08-11 8:58 am
234 Huong Vu Humanities and social science TH 2024-08-18 2:36 am
235 Huy Ngô Foreign Languages VN 2024-07-19 3:07 am
236 Hyein Kim TESOL KR 2024-08-13 6:21 am
237 Hyeran Kim English Education KR 2024-05-20 1:18 pm
238 Hyo Woong Lee NATIONAL Korea Maritime & Ocean University KR 2024-06-22 12:09 pm
239 HyoSeong Bae English KR 2024-05-13 3:45 pm
240 Hyun Jung Joo Language Education Division CN 2024-08-24 7:01 am
241 I Dewa Gede Rat Dwiyana Putra English Language Education Department ID 2024-06-28 12:50 am
242 I Putu Yoga Purandina Dharma Acarya Department ID 2024-05-29 11:47 pm
243 I-Chung Ke Foreign languages and applied linguistics TW 2024-05-30 2:04 am
244 I-Ru Su Department of Foreign Languages and Literature TW 2024-06-13 9:00 am
245 Ian Moodie Department of English Education KR 2024-06-17 5:19 am
246 Ida Shitadevi School of Liberal Arts TH 2024-08-14 8:24 am
247 Imas Istiani English Language and Literature Department ID 2024-05-19 11:20 am
248 IRA KHOIRIYAH Language Training Center ID 2024-08-11 12:45 pm
249 Ira Rasikawati Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, English Department ID 2024-05-16 12:41 pm
250 Irmala Sukendra Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris ID 2024-05-06 2:08 am
251 Isaiah Yoo English KR 2024-07-18 9:52 am
252 Ismoil Yusupov Department of Foreign Language TJ 2024-06-13 10:56 am
253 Iswandany Kaslan Kursus Bahasa Inggris JEC Jambi ID 2024-06-27 2:20 am
254 Jabbar Al Muzzamil Fareen English/Liberal Arts IN 2024-08-02 6:51 am
255 Jacob Neal Minniear Curriculum and Instruction US 2024-11-01 8:36 pm
256 Jamalova Ummihabiba Pedagogy, psychology and foreign languages UZ 2024-08-14 3:59 am
257 James Hall English Education Department JP 2024-08-01 6:04 am
258 Jamila Ermetova English Language and Literature department UZ 2024-05-02 11:44 am
259 January Hannah Arañas English Department PH 2024-05-31 12:58 pm
260 Jayson Carl Esmasin San Pedro Campus PH 2024-03-22 6:45 am
261 Jean Reintegrado-Celino English PH 2024-07-28 1:55 pm
262 Jeerasak Meesuksabai teaches English for Media, and Business Translation TH 2024-08-14 10:09 am
263 Jeerawan Panya Banwangmariew School TH 2024-09-01 4:07 pm
264 Jeong-Ah Shin English KR 2024-08-14 6:10 am
265 Jerimiah Phillips Department of International Cooperation and Communication CN 2024-04-29 12:57 am
266 Jessica Vale Language Solutions HK 2024-04-30 3:35 pm
267 Jia Ong Shah Alam Pre-University College MY 2024-08-14 11:31 pm
268 Jiaqi Hu School of Foreign Studies, Northwestern Polytechnical University CN 2024-07-31 6:29 am
269 Jiaxin Guo School of Foreign Languages CN 2024-08-13 7:17 am
270 Jihyeon Jeon Dept. of International Office Administration KR 2024-06-25 3:52 pm
271 Jingxuan Tian Linguistics and Modern Language Studies HK 2024-08-14 6:25 pm
272 Jinlin Jiang School of International Studies CN 2024-10-24 10:43 am
273 Jinming DU Languages and Cultures NZ 2024-05-29 11:05 pm
274 Jinsol Lee English Education KR 2024-05-20 1:19 pm
275 Jionette Clyde Arawiran English PH 2024-08-17 6:56 am
276 Jiyoung Kang Jangan Univerisity KR 2024-10-15 9:27 am
277 Joe Hardy Reitaku University: Centre for English Communication JP 2024-06-17 5:05 am
278 Joe Mary Ibanez Science Mathematics and Technology Programme (SMTP) TH 2024-05-26 12:07 am
279 John Fowler English & Study Skills CN 2024-07-09 5:26 am
280 John Sarkar Brac Institute of Languages (BIL) BD 2024-04-29 2:08 pm
281 Jonamarie Donaire College of Arts and Sciences PH 2024-05-29 2:34 pm
282 Jongyun Lim Cultures, Languages and Linguistics NZ 2024-07-28 9:30 pm
283 Joo Hyun Lee Education Department KR 2024-05-22 2:10 pm
284 Joo-Kyung Park English KR 2024-07-04 2:34 am
285 Joseph Virassamy Education CA 2024-05-30 5:52 am
286 Joshua Bernstein Language Institute TH 2024-10-10 1:50 am
287 Ju Seong Lee English Language Education HK 2024-10-23 8:11 am
288 Juan Lei Office of International Cooperation and Exchange Affairs CN 2024-11-04 5:02 am
289 Jutharat Jitpranee Department of Western Languages TH 2024-10-29 3:06 pm
290 Kaecha Sai-ed Foreign Language Department, Lower Secondary Level TH 2024-03-26 6:18 am
291 Kamille Legaspi-Torres EDUCATION PH 2024-04-29 1:49 am
292 Kamonchanok Sanmuang Languages TH 2024-08-13 3:27 pm
293 Kamonchanok Sanmuang Languages TH 2024-08-13 4:12 pm
294 Kamonwan Suwanmongkol Banhuiraisamakkee school TH 2024-09-08 5:38 pm
295 Kankamon Tadoo The Department of foreign languages Chit Aree welfare school TH 2024-09-09 1:48 am
296 Kannaphat Sirichotchaikul Office of the Basic Education Commission TH 2024-08-31 7:51 am
297 Kannikar Boonkhaos Education TH 2024-08-15 8:30 am
298 Kannikar Kantamas Western Language Program, Faculty of Humanities TH 2024-04-29 5:17 pm
299 Kanokrin Sangkhara Bangdeewittayakom School TH 2024-09-09 7:40 am
300 kanyaporn Na Ubon English Department TH 2024-08-31 6:16 am
301 kanyaporn Na Ubon English Department TH 2024-08-31 2:42 pm
302 Karin Saputra Linguistics ID 2024-05-30 9:08 pm
303 KATSUHISA HONDA English Department JP 2024-08-14 10:27 am
304 Katsuyuki Konno Faculty of Sociology JP 2024-08-27 1:21 pm
305 Kavitha Krishnakumar Sthairya Academy IN 2024-08-03 3:03 pm
306 KAZUKO KASHIWAGI Faculty of Education JP 2024-09-16 9:09 am
307 KAZUKO KASHIWAGI Faculty of Education JP 2024-09-27 10:40 am
308 KAZUKO KASHIWAGI Faculty of Education JP 2024-08-11 8:01 am
309 Ke Yang Nanjing Xiaozhuang University CN 2024-07-05 2:35 pm
310 Keiran Rossteuscher School of English & University Pathways VN 2024-08-14 7:21 am
311 Keita Shinogaya Department of psychology JP 2024-07-11 3:53 am
312 khadijeh Qaffari Humanity IR 2024-04-22 7:54 pm
313 Khanh Pham ELA VN 2024-07-25 4:17 pm
314 Kharashash Bazarkhan Forein Languages MN 2024-05-21 2:48 am
315 Khilola Radjabova Second faculty of English Language UZ 2024-03-03 8:31 am
316 Khodijoh Wanosman English TH 2024-07-23 2:11 pm
317 Khoiriyah - English Department ID 2024-05-10 10:55 pm
318 khusnul Khotimah English Department ID 2024-05-06 10:07 am
319 Kietnawin Sridhanyarat Language Institute TH 2024-09-17 7:58 am
320 Kieu Van Le Faculty of Foreign Languages VN 2024-08-03 1:02 pm
321 Kiito SHIBA English JP 2024-08-01 7:16 am
322 Kitipat Chutichaiwirath Language Institute Thammasat University TH 2024-09-06 10:21 am
323 Kitiya Chanchay Faculty of Liberal Arts TH 2024-08-15 10:54 am
324 Kittichai Nilubol English Language Department TH 2024-10-06 7:54 am
325 Kittikan Hararak Liberal Arts TH 2024-08-15 3:56 am
326 Kiwamu Kasahara English Education JP 2024-04-27 11:01 pm
327 Kodai Kamino Graduate School of Global Japanese Studies JP 2024-07-18 8:57 am
328 Komal Bhagat MCA IN 2024-08-15 9:06 am
329 Kousuke Suzuki Humanities and Social Sciences JP 2024-08-14 9:04 am
330 kozo Yanagawa Department of Advanced Sciences JP 2024-08-13 10:58 am
331 Kritsana Khengkhum The demonstration school of Silpakorn University (Secondary) TH 2024-09-01 10:32 am
332 KULTIDA KHAMMEE University of Phayao TH 2024-06-14 4:59 am
333 Kunihiko Miura Faculty of International Relations, International Communication Department JP 2024-07-03 2:55 am
334 Kunshuakh Bazar Training Department MN 2024-05-16 7:54 am
335 Kuntida Muntrikaeo Department of Foreign Languages TH 2024-09-03 9:19 am
336 Kusuma Bangkom Business Administration TH 2024-08-13 8:08 am
337 Kusumi Dhanapala University of Colombo LK 2024-06-20 4:06 am
338 Kyoko FUJIMOTO Department of Comprehensive English JP 2024-05-30 5:23 am
339 Kyung-Whan Cha Department of English Education KR 2024-06-10 4:48 am
340 Kyungja Ahn English Education KR 2024-08-15 4:04 am
341 L. Angelianawati English Education ID 2024-05-30 7:06 am
342 Lan Luan Harbin Engineering University CN 2024-04-04 1:32 pm
343 Lasni Jayasooriya Department of Education JP 2024-07-25 11:12 am
344 Lei KONG School of Foreign Languages CN 2024-07-31 2:16 am
345 Lichung Yang Department of English Instruction TW 2024-06-11 5:49 am
346 Lien Tuong Tourism Management and International Languages VN 2024-07-29 4:24 pm
347 Lilibeth Abrera Preparatory English Department VN 2024-03-22 2:04 pm
348 Lin Qiu College of Foreign Languages CN 2024-08-13 8:49 am
349 Linfeng WANG Multicultural Education Division JP 2024-05-17 3:51 am
350 Lingling Jiang School of Foreign Studies CN 2024-08-17 1:34 pm
351 Linh Nguyen Liberal Arts and Science TH 2024-07-05 7:25 am
352 Liton Chakraborty Mithun Department of English BD 2024-08-07 4:44 am
353 Lucas Kavanaugh ELL - English Language Learners KR 2024-10-25 2:49 am
354 Lucas Kavanaugh ELL - English Language Learners KR 2024-10-14 11:12 pm
355 Lucia Bening Parwita Sukci Industrial Engineering ID 2024-05-31 8:17 am
356 Lulu Al Marzan Department of English and Modern Languages BD 2024-08-14 2:21 am
357 Lulus Irawati Department of English Education ID 2024-08-10 4:55 am
358 Luqman Mayi Department of English TH 2024-03-01 2:39 pm
359 Lutfillo Yusupov teaching methodology UZ 2024-05-02 3:20 pm
360 Luxin Yang School of English and International Studies CN 2024-08-15 2:05 pm
361 Made Santoso Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang ID 2024-07-02 3:52 am
362 Madhu Neupane Bastola Department of English and Communication HK 2024-08-11 11:24 am
363 Mahbuba Holmatova Applied English UZ 2024-08-14 1:45 pm
364 Mai Vy - VN 2024-06-02 6:16 am
365 MANASHI DUTTA KMITL TH 2024-07-11 1:24 pm
366 Mandana Arfa-Kaboodvand English SZ 2024-08-15 8:09 am
367 Manee Champaphaeng Faculty of Humanities TH 2024-11-10 4:08 pm
368 Manop Wankeaw Office of the Private Education Commission (OPEC) TH 2024-07-23 7:53 am
369 Manuel Lorenzo Aldeguer Senior High School PH 2024-07-08 2:20 am
370 Maojie Zhou School of English Studies CN 2024-05-30 12:16 am
371 Marcella Caprario English Language Education HK 2024-08-20 11:59 am
372 Maria Luz Elena Canilao Department of English PH 2024-07-07 1:41 pm
373 Maria Vanessa Gabunada Department of Arts, Languages, and Literature PH 2024-09-17 2:59 am
374 Mark Carver International Education Institute GB 2024-09-09 12:52 pm
375 Marzia Hossain Chaity English BD 2024-08-07 2:28 pm
376 Masaki Oda College of Humanities JP 2024-07-03 12:34 pm
377 Masayo Akazawa Department of Education JP 2024-08-14 5:01 am
378 Mashkhura Tursunova Filology UZ 2024-08-14 5:51 pm
379 Mathuros Ophasee English Department TH 2024-09-04 5:28 am
380 Maulida Aziza English Education Program ID 2024-05-30 8:44 pm
381 Maya Masita English Language Education ID 2024-07-27 11:14 am
382 Mayumi Kanazawa Foreign Studies JP 2024-04-01 10:03 pm
383 Mayumi Tanaka Department of English and Global Studies JP 2024-06-29 1:24 am
384 Mazmuna Otaboeva Inglish language and literature UZ 2024-03-05 11:27 am
385 Md Islam English and Modern Languages BD 2024-08-13 1:42 pm
386 Md. Islam Administration Division BD 2024-06-12 8:02 am
387 Meannawat Jinakool Foreign Language TH 2024-09-13 1:52 pm
388 Megan Jinabe Language Education Science ID 2024-10-12 11:35 am
389 Megan Jinabe Language Education Science ID 2024-10-12 11:36 am
390 Megumi Katsuhisa Department of Childhood Education JP 2024-08-18 8:47 am
391 Megumi Uemi Department of International Culture and Communication Studies JP 2024-05-07 3:22 am
392 Megumi Yoshieda Center for International Studies JP 2024-07-04 6:13 am
393 Mehwish Ahsan Department of Computer Science PK 2024-05-30 3:42 am
394 Meita Khasyar English Language Education Study Program ID 2024-05-13 1:25 am
395 Mengfan Zhang department of foreign studies CN 2024-04-30 3:10 am
396 Mesathida Vongtangswad Humanities and Social Sciences TH 2024-11-02 5:37 am
397 Mi-Lim Ryoo Dept. of English Language and Literature KR 2024-06-25 12:37 pm
398 Miaomiao KANG CPCE PolyU HK 2024-06-01 12:53 pm
399 Michael Walker CENTER FOR LANGUAGE & EDUCATION RESEARCH JP 2024-04-22 11:56 am
400 Miki Nakano Faculty of Rehabilitation JP 2024-05-30 2:47 am
401 Miku Sugaya Education Department JP 2024-08-08 7:38 am
402 Mingyue GU Graduate School HK 2024-11-11 3:24 am
403 Mingyue Michelle Gu Graduate School HK 2024-10-22 2:30 pm
404 Minh Hung Nguyen Global cultures and linguistics VN 2024-07-28 6:15 am
405 Minjung Kim Global business KR 2024-05-20 9:30 am
406 Mira Namsrai President MN 2024-06-24 4:20 am
407 Mitsue Allen-Tamai Department of English JP 2024-08-11 8:23 pm
408 Mohammad Pakbaz English Department TH 2024-04-18 11:16 am
409 Mohammad Romadhoni The Ph.D. Program in Asia-Pacific Regional Studies TW 2024-07-08 5:55 am
410 Mongkolchai Tiansoodeenon The Department of English and Linguistics TH 2024-07-20 5:53 am
411 Monisha Biswas Department of English BD 2024-05-30 3:29 pm
412 Muhammad Ibrahim English Language Education ID 2024-04-14 1:10 am
413 Muhammad Imran College of Humanities and Sciences SA 2024-08-17 9:14 am
414 Muhammad Rahman City Group BD 2024-08-13 3:53 pm
415 Muhammad Affan Ramadhana Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia ID 2024-05-19 4:43 am
416 Muhammad Hakimi Tew Abdullah Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Negeri Sembilan, Kampus Rembau, Malaysia MY 2024-04-30 12:44 pm
417 Mukaddas Khamzaeva Foreign Languages UZ 2024-06-23 6:51 am
418 Mukhayyokhon Fayzullaeva Linguistics and English literature UZ 2024-07-30 4:00 am
419 Munavvara Xudoyberdiyeva Theory of linguistics and practical computer linguistics. UZ 2024-05-20 5:25 pm
420 MURSHIDA RAHMAN English US 2024-05-19 5:06 pm
421 Mushtariy Khamidullaeva English Language Teacher UZ 2024-05-30 1:54 pm
422 Mushtariy Khamidullaeva English Language Teaching UZ 2024-05-30 3:04 pm
423 Mutmainnah Mustofa English Teacher ID 2024-04-16 2:45 am
424 my My English VN 2024-05-30 2:20 am
425 Myagmarsuren Orosoo English Language MN 2024-08-02 12:16 pm
426 Myat Win English TH 2024-10-30 11:48 am
427 Myunghwan Hwang Department of Cognitive Science KR 2024-05-01 6:38 am
428 Nadeera Wijegoonewardene Postgraduate Institute of English LK 2024-04-29 10:16 am
429 Nafruza Azizova UzSWLU UZ 2024-03-03 11:12 am
430 Nakorn Sawangsri TB TH 2024-09-18 5:59 am
431 Nakorn Sawangsri TB TH 2024-06-11 2:16 am
432 Nam Joon Kang Graduate School of TESOL & International studies KR 2024-04-30 2:28 pm
433 Namal Wickramasekera Department of English Language Teaching LK 2024-08-12 9:17 am
434 Nana Kamimura Graduate School of Humanities JP 2024-08-08 1:00 pm
435 Nanda Pambudi English Language Education ID 2024-04-30 1:02 pm
436 Nandyan Nooryastuti Department of English Language Education ID 2024-05-25 2:54 pm
437 Nanfa Chanthaphrom Faculty of Humanities TH 2024-11-11 4:25 am
438 Nantana Sittirak Department of Languages TH 2024-10-02 6:56 am
439 Nantana Sittirak Department of Languages TH 2024-10-02 7:01 am
440 NAOKO HASHIGUCHI 英語科 JP 2024-08-03 10:24 pm
441 Naoko Hosoda Center for Foreign Language Education and Research JP 2024-08-09 3:07 am
442 Naoko Nadtochiy Foreign Language JP 2024-04-29 11:05 pm
443 Naoko Sawai English Language Education JP 2024-08-14 3:06 pm
444 Napatacha Sriwichai Liberal Arts TH 2024-08-15 8:15 am
445 Narantsetseg Ravjaa Department of foreign languages and Aviation service MN 2024-06-19 5:39 am
446 Nareema Sangwiman Business English TH 2024-10-28 9:16 am
447 Nargiza Abdurakhmanova Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent UZ 2024-04-24 2:14 pm
448 Nargiza Makhumdova Linguistics and English Literature UzSWLU UZ 2024-04-26 6:45 pm
449 Nargiza Rustamjanovna International private school UZ 2024-05-20 4:48 pm
450 Nargiza Rustamovna Al-Khorazmiy international school UZ 2024-05-06 8:48 am
451 Nargizoy Mirzaeva Uzbek language and social sciences UZ 2024-05-02 1:40 pm
452 Narudol Semchuchot Kasetsart University, Thailand Extensive Reading Association TH 2024-08-13 9:52 am
453 Nashin Sayara Department of English and Modern Languages BD 2024-04-29 6:29 pm
454 Natkristha Kophimai Junior International Program TH 2024-08-13 5:25 am
455 Nattapat Suejam School of Liberal Arts TH 2024-04-21 2:53 pm
456 Nattapong Jinajai Academic Office TH 2024-09-09 10:54 am
457 Natthaphon Santhi Language Institute and Global Affairs TH 2024-02-22 8:14 am
458 Nghia Pham Faculty of English Language VN 2024-08-13 3:00 pm
459 Ngoc Vu Duong Lam Dong Department of Education and Training VN 2024-07-10 3:23 pm
460 Nguyen Linh School of Foreign Languages VN 2024-06-01 1:03 am
461 Nguyễn Trang Faculty of English Language Teacher Education VN 2024-04-30 8:33 am
462 Nhung Huynh Ho Chi Minh city University of Education VN 2024-07-25 5:59 pm
463 Nhung Nguyen Faculty of English Language Teacher Education VN 2024-08-14 9:25 am
464 Ni Luh Putu Dian Sawitri English Education Study Program ID 2024-08-26 12:44 pm
465 Nida Husna English Education ID 2024-07-24 8:22 am
466 Nigora Egamova English language and literature UZ 2024-04-29 11:04 am
467 Nigora Ghoyibova Theory of Education UZ 2024-04-15 6:25 pm
468 Nihara Jayawardana Academic Division LK 2024-08-14 9:37 am
469 Nilufar Begibaeva Early Childhood Literacy UZ 2024-08-02 6:05 pm
470 Nilufar Mamatkulova Applied Sciences 2 UZ 2024-04-29 12:36 pm
471 Nilufar Tillayeva Continuing Education UZ 2024-07-10 11:07 am
472 Nipaporn Thammason Liberal Arts TH 2024-08-15 2:28 pm
473 Nivedita Kumari Global Language Initiative Program JP 2024-08-14 3:12 pm
474 Nobphawan Sukklang School of Foreign Languages, Institute of Social Technology, Suranaree University of Technology TH 2024-07-03 5:26 am
475 Nodira Ismoyiljonovna Specialized school UZ 2024-04-29 4:11 am
476 Noer Risky Ramadhani School of Liberal Arts TH 2024-05-10 1:49 pm
477 Noeris Meiristiani English Education ID 2024-08-15 1:39 am
478 Noermanzah Noermanzah Magister in Indonesia Language Education ID 2024-04-30 3:12 pm
479 Noor Ezzaidah Binti Jasli SK PEKAN SIPITANG, SABAH, MALAYSIA MY 2024-06-01 12:26 pm
480 Nopparuj Charuprakara Department of Foreign Languages TH 2024-09-01 9:38 am
481 Noriko Akiho-Toyoda Centre of Academic Teaching (CAT) JP 2024-07-04 9:34 am
482 Noriko Kurishita Global Communication JP 2024-04-29 10:30 pm
483 Norwati Roslim Academy of Language Studies MY 2024-04-29 11:57 am
484 Novianty Palayukan Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Makassar ID 2024-07-05 3:28 am
485 Nozima Mamadjonova Applied English UZ 2024-08-10 5:55 am
486 Nujhat Islam Comparative Literature IN 2024-07-26 5:47 am
487 Nuntapat Supunya Language Institute TH 2024-09-05 7:06 am
488 Nur Laela English Department ID 2024-08-20 8:20 am
489 Nur Muthmainnah English Language Education Study Program ID 2024-05-14 3:20 am
490 Nur Saktiningrum Intercultural Study ID 2024-07-07 9:58 am
491 Nur Hidayah Md Yazid Faculty of Education MY 2024-08-06 3:39 pm
492 Nurul Abduh Linguistics ID 2024-04-30 12:30 am
493 Nurul Hunafa Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta ID 2024-04-30 12:19 am
494 Obaid Wali Department of English BD 2024-08-11 6:29 pm
495 Odonchimeg Lkhagvasuren Foreign Languages and Air transportation service department MN 2024-04-30 7:42 am
496 Olga Fleonova English Language Center CN 2024-05-21 5:46 am
497 Olim Gulmatov Accounting UZ 2024-04-15 6:43 pm
498 Ominabonu Abdusamatova Grammar UZ 2024-05-19 6:53 pm
499 Oranut Wanna Faculty of Education TH 2024-08-29 9:34 am
500 Otgontungalag Choijilsuren Humanities Department MN 2024-08-13 6:36 am
501 Paidi Gusmuliana English Education Program ID 2024-08-10 7:59 am
502 Pakanapat Jaroensook Phayao Education service area zone 2 TH 2024-07-05 6:47 am
503 Paksiri Tongsen Maejo University TH 2024-09-09 2:09 pm
504 Panachanok Chanwaiwit English TH 2024-07-26 3:40 am
505 Panya Chinatong Foreign Language Department TH 2024-09-04 3:25 pm
506 Paphachawan Narkkeaw Academic department TH 2024-07-24 8:25 am
507 Parveen Kumari Department of English IN 2024-06-18 4:36 pm
508 Pasara Namsaeng Department of Western Languages and Linguistics TH 2024-07-24 8:42 am
509 Pasit Sapaokum Liberal Arts TH 2024-08-15 4:03 am
510 Patrick Desloge StoryLab TH 2024-08-15 3:25 am
511 Pattama Datae Academic TH 2024-09-21 4:36 am
512 Pattanachon Kokwarn Foreign Language Department TH 2024-09-24 3:53 am
513 Patuma Choeichaiyapoom School of Cultures, Languages and Linguistics NZ 2024-06-20 4:03 am
514 Paul McBride Center for English as a Lingua Franca JP 2024-06-21 5:14 am
515 Paula Nadrea Paquibulan Department of Arts, Literature, and Languages PH 2024-09-05 3:02 am
516 Pearce Daniel Department of Education JP 2024-04-29 8:30 am
517 Phakhawadee Chaisiri College of Humanities and Social Sciences NZ 2024-07-31 7:21 am
518 Phanumat Pholawit Foreign language department TH 2024-08-30 5:25 pm
519 Phimpawee Treesorn English Department, School of Liberal Arts, MAE Fah Luang University TH 2024-08-15 2:25 pm
520 Phirunkhana Phichiensathien School of Liberal Arts TH 2024-08-15 4:43 am
521 Phuong Bui Department of Education and Human Potential Development TW 2024-10-04 8:31 am
522 Phuong Bui English Language Teacher Education VN 2024-05-30 2:32 am
523 Phuong Le Faculty of Foreign Languages and Technical Education VN 2024-04-28 9:56 am
524 Phuong Le Faculty of Foreign Languages and Technical Education VN 2024-08-12 4:07 pm
525 PHUONG VO Foreign Languages VN 2024-09-26 10:33 am
526 Phuong-Trinh Nguyen Research and Academic Development VN 2024-04-30 12:18 pm
527 Phyllis Chew Humanities SG 2024-06-20 9:31 am
528 Pichinart Kumpawan Department of foreign languages TH 2024-06-08 3:12 am
529 Pini Hartati Dinas pedidikan Kota Batam ID 2024-07-06 4:23 am
530 Pipit Muliyah Faculty Languages, Arts and Culture ID 2024-10-10 3:31 am
531 Pittaya Yamo Business English TH 2024-04-24 1:47 am
532 Pramod Sah English Language Education HK 2024-10-03 8:26 am
533 Pranee Seenak Business English TH 2024-10-28 8:58 am
534 Preeyapat Thongchamnong Foreign Language TH 2024-09-02 12:29 pm
535 Preeyapha Wangmanee The Western Languages Program, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University TH 2024-07-14 8:13 am
536 Premraj Gurusamy KOLEJ MATRIKULASI KEJURUTERAAN JOHOR MY 2024-04-02 6:59 am
537 Prommin Songsirisak Department of Western Languages TH 2024-10-29 3:07 pm
538 Promsup Wongsuwon Foreign Language TH 2024-09-24 3:48 am
539 Puttachart Limsiriruengrai Business English TH 2024-09-26 3:24 am
540 Qian Jiaxin SCHOOL OF FOREIGN STUDIES CN 2024-04-28 3:30 am
541 Qianhui Cheng School of Foreign Studies CN 2024-08-13 5:54 am
542 Qianxia Jin University - non-faculty English instructor CN 2024-07-09 8:04 am
543 Qinghua Chen English Language Education HK 2024-10-15 7:30 am
544 Qisi Guo Moray House of Education and Sports SG 2024-04-29 8:07 am
545 Qiufang Wen National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education CN 2024-08-19 9:23 am
546 Quân Nguyễn Foreign Languages VN 2024-08-13 9:19 am
547 Que Anh Chung Education VN 2024-05-04 2:21 pm
548 RABEYA AKTER English BD 2024-08-07 1:56 pm
549 Radmi Raleesha Language Department LK 2024-08-17 5:54 am
550 Raikan Ysmailova International Medical Faculty KG 2024-03-25 4:16 am
551 Rama Herdiawan English Language Education Department ID 2024-05-07 2:17 am
552 Rampairada Sirasawan English Language Teaching (ELT) TH 2024-08-31 8:26 am
553 Rapunzel Tomacder Center for English Education JP 2024-08-05 1:08 am
554 Rashad Ahmed English US 2024-05-07 2:51 pm
555 Rattana Jangpiboonpong Foreign Languages TH 2024-08-31 12:23 am
556 Ratthakorn Supphuriphat Banwangchaon school TH 2024-09-03 3:38 am
557 RAVINDER GARGESH Department of English & Department of Linguistics IN 2024-05-18 12:14 am
558 Rehuel Nikolai Soriano English and Humanities PH 2024-06-13 3:12 pm
559 Richard Rose College of Engineering KR 2024-08-13 7:03 am
560 Rieko Kizawa Advanced Comprehensive Research Organization JP 2024-04-29 12:22 pm
561 Rimajon Sotlikova TESOL UZ 2024-07-09 12:21 pm
562 Rintaro Sato Department of English Education JP 2024-08-27 7:33 pm
563 Risala Ahmed English BD 2024-08-14 2:11 am
564 Rita Hartati English Language and Literature Department ID 2024-04-29 2:44 am
565 RLA Buddhini Nilmanthi Department of Languages LK 2024-08-11 4:56 am
566 Robert Dickey - KR 2024-06-20 9:01 am
567 Robin Reid Foundation Studies JP 2024-08-14 5:06 am
568 Roxana Chowdhury Department of English BD 2024-07-12 4:50 pm
569 Roy Roberto Felipe Junior High School PH 2024-05-13 3:52 am
570 RUBINA KHAN Department of English BD 2024-08-04 2:41 pm
571 RUDI SUHERMAN English AU 2024-05-22 6:43 am
572 Ruja Sukpat English TH 2024-10-29 5:49 am
573 Rungrawin Kamjudpai Office of the Basic Education Commission TH 2024-08-31 12:44 pm
574 Rungsan Lakhamja Foreign Languages Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University TH 2024-03-09 4:19 am
575 Ruqoyyah Amilia Andania Education and Human Potentials Development TW 2024-07-24 5:57 am
576 Russell Lerner Lecturer of Languages Institute and Global Affairs (LIGA) TH 2024-05-17 7:20 am
577 Ryan Thorpe UM-SJTU Joint Institute CN 2024-07-31 8:57 am
578 Saber Alavi TESOL TH 2024-05-31 6:10 am
579 Sachini Samarasinghe Department of Languages LK 2024-03-30 12:43 pm
580 Saeromi Park Secondary Education KR 2024-06-25 2:00 am
581 Safna Anwer Amazon College & Campus LK 2024-08-14 9:35 am
583 Saida Ruzieva English language Methodology UZ 2024-04-30 4:58 pm
584 sairil sairil Faculty of culture science ID 2024-04-30 12:58 am
585 Sakiko Yoneda Department of English Language Education JP 2024-06-03 3:16 am
586 Salila Pettong Humanities and Social Sciences TH 2024-11-01 3:15 am
587 Samer Annous Education LB 2024-08-13 4:51 pm
589 Sarani Ghosal Mondal Department of Humanities & Social Sciences IN 2024-07-26 6:59 am
590 Saranya Wongplugsa English Department TH 2024-08-31 8:18 am
591 Sarat Wanaporn The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nakhon Ratchasima TH 2024-09-04 12:51 pm
592 Sarinpat Chootarat Institute of Social Technology TH 2024-08-15 4:10 pm
593 Sarnai Davaajav Education and science department MN 2024-08-14 12:31 pm
594 Sasima Charubusp English TH 2024-08-04 3:49 am
595 Satoshi Ide Humanities and Social Sciences JP 2024-06-12 1:15 am
596 Satriani Satriani Faculty of Letter ID 2024-05-09 6:21 am
597 Saumya Abeyrathna Department of Languages LK 2024-04-29 7:42 am
598 Sawangruethai Aiyakorn Liberal Arts TH 2024-10-24 5:55 am
599 Sawarak Pengudom Foreign Languages TH 2024-08-31 9:05 am
600 Sayit Karim English Language Education Department ID 2024-06-27 2:27 am
601 Sayma Ahmed English & Modern Languages BD 2024-08-10 6:26 pm
602 Semi Hong Department of English Education KR 2024-06-24 2:21 am
603 Seongha Rhee English Linguistics & Language Teaching KR 2024-08-26 8:27 am
604 Sepali Bamunusinghe Senior Lecturer, Business Communication Unit, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura LK 2024-05-15 5:10 am
605 Setsuko Miyamoto Department of English Language, Culture, and Communication JP 2024-05-30 5:23 am
606 Sevinch Nazirqulova English Integrated Course UZ 2024-06-26 4:54 pm
607 Shakhnozakhon Fakhriddinova School of Language UZ 2024-04-29 1:24 pm
608 Shanru Yang Centre for English Language Education CN 2024-04-24 1:36 am
609 Sheema Stephen English IN 2024-04-29 4:47 am
610 Shigenori Jizo English teacher JP 2024-04-30 8:15 am
611 Shigenori Wakabayashi English Studies JP 2024-09-20 3:39 pm
612 Shizhou Yang English Communication Department TH 2024-08-13 12:01 pm
613 Shizuko Tomioka School of Information-Oriented Management JP 2024-08-13 6:17 pm
614 Sho Kobayashi Education JP 2024-08-05 9:08 am
615 Shogo Kimizuka Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences JP 2024-08-27 2:16 am
616 Shun Morimoto Tamagawa University JP 2024-07-15 1:26 pm
617 Shuo Zhao English Department CN 2024-07-17 12:23 pm
618 Siak Bie Soh Department of English Language MY 2024-08-30 11:48 am
619 Siegfrieda A.S. Mursita Putri Ukrida Department of English ID 2024-08-15 4:58 pm
620 Sikarin Kosanwattana Academic Department TH 2024-08-05 2:38 am
621 Simon Aguinaldo International House Bangkok TH 2024-08-15 1:39 pm
622 Sirikanya Dawilai Faculty of Humanities TH 2024-11-10 3:41 pm
623 Sirikorn Bamroongkit Mar Fah Luang University TH 2024-08-15 3:46 am
624 Sisca Saputri Faculty of Language and Art ID 2024-07-30 12:17 pm
625 Siti Aishatul Humairah Muhammad Fisol ACADEMY OF LANGUAGE STUDIES MY 2024-04-30 9:50 am
626 Siti Fathonah Wijayanti Master of TESOL AU 2024-05-14 2:04 pm
627 Siti Nurul Azkiyah English Education Department ID 2024-05-19 2:29 pm
628 Sitti Hamid English Education ID 2024-04-30 7:42 am
629 Somin Ji Department of British-American Language and Culture KR 2024-04-29 2:48 am
630 Sonia Sharmin English BD 2024-07-05 3:47 am
631 Sonia Teronpi English as Second Language IN 2024-08-14 5:12 pm
632 Sopawan Nookung Language TH 2024-11-06 10:41 am
633 Soyol-Erdene Sanjaa Department of English and German Languages MN 2024-09-20 12:12 pm
634 Sri Kurniawati Master of English Education ID 2024-05-20 11:48 am
635 Sri Lestari English Language Education ID 2024-05-20 4:11 pm
636 Sri Mustari Institut Teknologi dan Kesehatan Tri tunas Nasional ID 2024-04-30 3:55 pm
637 Sri Sumaryani English Department ID 2024-07-13 10:34 am
638 Stephanie Lerma English Department MN 2024-08-15 5:06 am
639 Su Yon Yim Department of English Educatigon KR 2024-08-15 3:25 pm
640 Suchanan Suneewong Humanities and Social Sciences TH 2024-11-01 3:45 am
641 Suci Amalia English Department ID 2024-05-25 2:55 pm
642 Sufiyandi Sufiyandi English Language Eduaction ID 2024-04-29 8:41 am
643 Suh Keong Kwon English Education KR 2024-08-12 4:24 am
644 Suhaila Sharil Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari (ACIS) MY 2024-08-14 4:03 am
645 Suksan Suppasetseree School of Foreign Languages TH 2024-08-15 10:09 am
646 Sumaiya Afreen English BD 2024-04-30 3:43 pm
647 Sumanee Pinweha Research Department TH 2024-05-10 7:07 pm
648 Sumit Choephatruedi Liberal Arts TH 2024-08-05 2:21 am
649 Sumiya Dulamtsoo EE MN 2024-10-02 8:11 am
650 Sun Shin ELT Research and Methodology AT 2024-07-08 9:13 am
651 Sunanta Wannaboworn Watkapangsurin school TH 2024-04-12 5:15 pm
652 sunarlia limbong Language Unit ID 2024-05-15 8:13 am
653 Sunethra Karunaratne English LK 2024-08-14 10:25 am
654 Supachai Oonkaew Foreign languages TH 2024-09-02 8:53 am
655 Supachai Oonkaew Deputy Director TH 2024-09-01 3:28 am
656 Supak Pakkawatpisuttiporn Foreign Language Department TH 2024-09-02 4:13 pm
657 Supakorn Luksana-ngam Department of English Literature & Linguistics KP 2024-05-18 9:47 am
658 Suparak Techacharoenrungrueang Chiang Mai University TH 2024-08-14 10:21 am
659 Supitcha Kitiyot Mae Fah Luang Univrersity TH 2024-08-15 1:58 pm
660 Supong Tangkiengsirisin Language Institute TH 2024-09-05 7:08 am
661 Susan Holzman English IL 2024-06-29 2:52 pm
662 Svetlana Khan English Methodology at Uzbekistan State World Languages University UZ 2024-04-28 9:47 am
663 Syafryadin Syafryadin English Education Postgraduate Program ID 2024-08-09 1:19 pm
664 Takafumi Sawaumi Department of Intercultural Studies and Tourism JP 2024-07-22 4:40 am
665 Takashi Uemura Department of Applied Science JP 2024-06-18 7:56 am
666 Takehiko Ito Psychology and Education JP 2024-08-14 12:29 am
667 Takeshi Watarai Graduate School of Humanities JP 2024-08-06 8:27 am
668 Tanaporn Nilpayak Faculty of Education TH 2024-08-29 5:27 am
669 Tarannum Chowdhury Brac Institute of Languages, BIL BD 2024-03-07 11:17 am
670 Tarannum Chowdhury Brac Institute of Languages (BIL) BD 2024-08-14 2:46 pm
671 Tatchakrit Matyakhan Chiang Mai University TH 2024-08-14 8:04 am
672 Tatu Nufus Faculty of Psychology ID 2024-08-10 3:19 am
673 Tatyana Sokhrannaya Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent UZ 2024-04-24 2:14 pm
674 Teerawat Arjpru Humanities Department TH 2024-08-15 6:42 am
675 thairath thairath GHB TH 2024-08-15 6:42 am
676 Thana KRUAWONG Faculty of Education TH 2024-08-31 9:50 am
677 Thanakrit Thippayacharoen Intensive English Program TH 2024-09-03 6:44 pm
678 Thanasorn Thanasri Foreign Language Department TH 2024-09-08 2:12 am
679 THANH TRUC HUYNH English Teaching Department VN 2024-08-14 2:03 pm
680 Thanisorn Lekthip Educational Supervision and Evaluation TH 2024-08-31 6:18 am
681 Thanwarat Khonphian English TH 2024-09-03 3:34 am
682 Thanyalak Kumprom Payap University TH 2024-10-20 6:33 am
683 Thao Dang Faculty of English VN 2024-10-10 1:17 am
684 Thao Nguyen Private English school VN 2024-04-29 3:17 am
685 Thao Vu Faculty of Linguistics and Culture of English-Speaking Countries VN 2024-08-13 9:06 am
686 Tharushima Senanayake Department of Language LK 2024-03-28 3:50 pm
687 Thaweesak Linkhome Western Language TH 2024-04-25 11:42 am
688 Thayida Pholying Department of Western languages and Linguistics TH 2024-05-30 1:41 am
689 Thilaga Ravinthar Faculty of Languages and Linguistics MY 2024-04-29 11:27 pm
690 Thiratchapon kamsa-ard GE TH 2024-08-13 4:34 pm
691 Thitikorn SINGKARM - TH 2024-09-22 7:46 pm
692 Thitipong Lueangsuwan Department of foreign languages TH 2024-07-23 3:46 am
693 Thitirat Suwannasom English TH 2024-07-04 12:59 pm
694 Thương Huyền Hoàng Education Department VN 2024-08-15 5:05 pm
695 Thuy Hong Foreign Languages Faculty VN 2024-06-01 4:08 pm
696 Tianqi ZHANG School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences JP 2024-08-14 2:30 am
697 Tiina Matikainen College of Tourism and Hospitality JP 2024-08-05 12:41 am
698 Tina Brown Kanda University of International Studies JP 2024-08-05 12:41 am
699 Ting Huang School of Foreign Studies CN 2024-08-06 2:54 am
700 Titien Indrianti Business Administration Department ID 2024-04-29 2:32 am
701 Titik Sudartinah English Education Department ID 2024-06-28 3:44 am
702 Titin Kustini English Education ID 2024-04-20 2:09 pm
703 Titirut Rungkaew Language Institute TH 2024-10-03 5:55 am
704 Titis sulistyowati English Education ID 2024-07-26 6:10 am
705 Tomohito Hiromori School of Global Japanese Studies JP 2024-07-23 12:14 am
706 Tossapol Piakaew Princess Sirindhorn's College TH 2024-08-31 4:33 pm
707 Tran Ngoc Quynh Quang Ngai Department of Education and Training VN 2024-04-29 6:42 am
708 Tri Nuraniwati Department of Language, Arts, and Culture Management ID 2024-06-07 2:05 am
709 Tsetsegjargal Dambii Humanities Department MN 2024-08-15 6:15 am
710 Tseveendulam Urangoo Foreign language department MN 2024-04-29 1:07 am
711 Tsutomu Koga Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology JP 2024-08-13 8:46 am
712 Tungalagtamir Purevdorj Foreign language center MN 2024-10-10 8:43 am
713 Tunyaphoom Phu-ngamthong English TH 2024-08-15 3:18 am
714 TUYEN TU IELTS CITY VN 2024-08-07 8:05 am
715 TUYET TRAN Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences TH 2024-05-29 11:12 am
716 Tzu Lin Chin Department of English, TESOL MA TW 2024-06-23 1:37 am
717 Tzu-Shan Chang English Department TW 2024-08-13 1:51 am
718 Udi Samanhudi English Education Department ID 2024-08-07 4:04 am
719 Ugilkhon Kakilova English language and literature UZ 2024-08-14 7:51 am
720 Ulziisaikhan Khaltar Foreign language and Aviation Department MN 2024-05-02 6:49 am
721 Umida Habibullayevna Foreign Languages Department UZ 2024-05-19 2:36 pm
722 UNGKU KHAIRUNNISA UNGKU MOHD NORDIN Language Academy, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities MY 2024-08-14 3:53 am
723 Unik Lohani Business NP 2024-06-20 3:44 pm
724 Upsorn Tawilapakul Language Institute TH 2024-10-15 7:30 am
725 Uugantsetseg Gantumur Education MN 2024-08-12 11:21 am
726 Uyanga Enkhtaivan Education and Science Department MN 2024-08-20 8:45 am
727 Uyên Phạm Foreign Language Faculty VN 2024-08-15 5:00 am
728 Valencia Epps English Education Department KR 2024-05-13 3:11 pm
729 Van Mai ENGLISH VN 2024-08-13 6:11 am
730 Van Nghi Tran Faculty of Mathematics VN 2024-08-26 9:20 am
731 Vasila Shonazarovna Foreign Languages UZ 2024-08-14 2:27 pm
732 Victoria Kim Department of International Business & Trade KR 2024-05-30 3:06 pm
733 Vinindita Citrayasa Informatics ID 2024-05-24 7:46 am
734 Virak Chan Curriculum and Instruction US 2024-07-22 5:18 pm
735 Vishwara Perera Business Communication Unit LK 2024-05-30 5:12 pm
736 Waewalee Waewchimplee Language Institute TH 2024-05-01 3:13 am
737 Wahyunengsih Wahyunengsih English Education of State Islamic Univeristy Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta ID 2024-04-29 9:04 am
738 Wahyuni Pratiwi Master of English Education ID 2024-05-20 10:34 am
739 Waka KOSHIBA Faculty of Education JP 2024-04-30 3:15 am
740 Wan Liu School of Foreign Studies, Northwestern Polytechnical University CN 2024-08-14 2:41 pm
741 Wan Yee Winsy Lai Department of English Language Education HK 2024-05-30 6:34 am
742 Wangyin Kenneth Li Department of English HK 2024-11-01 4:14 am
743 Wanida Kitcha Foreign Language Department TH 2024-10-30 12:57 pm
744 Wannaporn Phipps English TH 2024-08-31 9:22 am
745 Wannaprapha Suksawas School of Educational Studies TH 2024-10-22 10:20 pm
746 Waraporn Srinarach Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences TH 2024-11-11 1:44 am
747 Warodom Suwannarat Foreign Languages Department. TH 2024-10-16 4:54 am
748 Watcharee Wongthanet English TH 2024-07-01 4:18 am
749 Watcharin Fonghoy Faculty of Liberal Arts TH 2024-11-06 10:19 am
750 Weerachai Phanseub Curriculum, Teaching and Instruction TH 2024-05-18 9:16 am
751 Weiwei Yang English CN 2024-09-05 1:08 pm
752 Wen-Hsin Wang Linguistics and Multilingual Studies SG 2024-03-15 2:30 pm
753 Wilawan Champakaew English Department TH 2024-05-30 9:17 am
754 Winny Berliana English Language Education Study Program ID 2024-06-10 7:33 am
755 Wisarut Onpratum Foreign Language Department TH 2024-08-31 1:12 pm
756 Wiwat Bussakham Nampongsuksa school TH 2024-08-31 2:58 pm
757 WIWAT PHLAILAHARN Foreign Language Department TH 2024-09-03 2:26 am
758 Xiaochen Wang Xi'an Jiaotong University CN 2024-08-15 3:07 pm
759 Xiaona Zhou Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies CN 2024-08-13 8:31 am
760 Xiaoting Liang Faculty of Languages and Linguistics MY 2024-08-30 9:09 am
761 Xiaoying Lei College of Education CN 2024-05-30 5:20 am
762 Xing Fan Foreign Language Department CN 2024-07-20 12:09 am
763 XIUWEN ZHAI School of Foreign Languages CN 2024-08-08 7:37 am
764 Xoan Tran Department of English TH 2024-08-13 8:24 am
765 Xun Yu Chai School of Education MY 2024-05-20 11:06 pm
766 Ya Xu School of Foreign Studies,NPU CN 2024-07-31 1:51 am
767 Yanchen Liu Xi'an Jiaotong University CN 2024-03-02 11:43 am
768 Yanfeng Mao The English Department CN 2024-08-01 5:56 am
769 Yang Yang School of Humanities and Social Science CN 2024-04-21 1:25 pm
770 Yansyah Yansyah English Language Education Department ID 2024-04-30 2:02 am
771 Yaru Zhou School of Forigen Studies CN 2024-08-08 10:34 am
772 Yaru Zhou School of Forigen Studies CN 2024-08-08 10:36 am
773 Yaru Zhou School of Forigen Studies CN 2024-08-08 10:38 am
774 Yasuko Okada Research Institute for Language Education JP 2024-05-21 7:00 am
775 Yi Zhang Department of Foreign Languages and Literature CN 2024-07-19 10:54 am
776 Yii Tyng Lee Language and Literacy MY 2024-08-14 4:38 pm
777 Yimin Zhu Graduate School of Languages and Linguistics JP 2024-07-28 1:23 pm
778 Ying Wu Northwestern Polytechnical University CN 2024-08-29 11:44 am
779 Yiyi Xie School of Foreign Studies, Northwestern Polytechnical University CN 2024-08-02 8:25 am
780 Yoffie Dewi Politeknik Bintan Cakrawala ID 2024-04-30 8:59 am
781 Yogi Mahmud Graduate School of Education AU 2024-04-29 2:52 am
782 Yohanis Rongre Politeknik Baubau ID 2024-04-30 1:01 am
783 Yota SASAKI Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences JP 2024-06-03 4:42 pm
784 Youjin Lee English Education KR 2024-05-20 3:27 am
785 Yousuf Ali Department of Immunology JP 2024-05-30 3:46 am
786 Youzhong Sun Vice President CN 2024-08-02 12:19 pm
787 Yu-Ting Kao Foreign Language & Literature TW 2024-08-15 2:46 am
788 Yue Fang Curriculum, Teaching and Learning CA 2024-07-06 4:23 pm
789 YUEN LING SHEE ENGLISH MY 2024-05-20 3:56 pm
790 Yukiko Akiba English Language Institute JP 2024-07-27 2:16 am
791 Yukinori Watanabe Department of English Language, Culture, and Communication JP 2024-08-17 7:01 am
792 Yuko Horiguchi Foreign Language Education and Research Center JP 2024-04-29 4:56 am
793 Yuko Ikuta Department of International Understanding, Faculty of International Studies JP 2024-05-20 2:31 pm
794 Yuli Hasanah Languages and Arts ID 2024-05-20 4:56 am
795 Yulia Chanturidze School of Foreign Languages RU 2024-08-14 5:49 pm
796 Yulia Nur Ekawati Universitas Negeri Semarang ID 2024-08-15 1:01 am
797 Yumi Gomez Language Education Center JP 2024-04-16 1:47 am
798 Yunias Monika UKRIDA Department of English ID 2024-05-17 4:46 am
799 Yushi Hinoki Faculty of International Studies JP 2024-08-12 5:44 am
800 Yusop Boonsuk English Section, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences TH 2024-08-04 3:46 am
801 Yutthana Taboonruang Hangchatwitthaya School TH 2024-09-02 9:35 am
802 Yuwei SHEN English language education HK 2024-10-22 1:20 pm
803 Yuzhuo Liu School of Foreign Languages CN 2024-04-30 7:07 am
804 Zahra Talebi English Translation and Interpreting Studies TR 2024-05-13 8:48 am
805 Zakia Ahmad Department of English BD 2024-06-30 7:01 am
806 Zarinakhon Yusupova department of psychiatry UZ 2024-07-21 6:42 am
807 Zeng Pu School of Foreign Studies CN 2024-05-20 2:10 am
808 Zezong Tang School of Foreign Studies CN 2024-05-20 12:11 pm
809 ZHANG Yang School of Foreign studies CN 2024-06-17 2:43 am
810 ZHAODING YE School of Foreign Languages GB 2024-03-23 6:41 pm
811 Zhen Yang School of Humanities and Social Sciences CN 2024-08-08 8:04 am
812 Zheng Bi High English Education Publishing CN 2024-08-30 12:26 pm
813 Zhewei Zha School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture GB 2024-08-02 3:00 am
814 Zhuoya Wang School of Foreign Studies CN 2024-08-06 8:05 am
815 Zijing An ESOL/Bilingual Education US 2024-04-30 12:51 am
816 Zixin Yu School of Foreign Languages CN 2024-06-29 9:00 am
817 Zukhra Sharipova Literary Studies UZ 2024-08-13 10:29 am
818 Zulfi Zumala Dwi Andriani Andriani English Department ID 2024-05-20 12:03 pm
819 Zulkhumor Mirzayeva Philology and language teaching UZ 2024-06-13 6:55 am
820 Zumratkhon Shukurova English integrated course N 3 UZ 2024-06-26 4:39 pm
821 Оюна Цыдендамбаева Foreign languages RU 2024-05-08 2:03 pm
822 ธนากร ทองนำ Forreignlanguage TH 2024-08-30 8:32 am
823 ํีYuthika Techasiriwan Liberal Arts TH 2024-10-24 5:49 am

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